Advice Column – 12/10

Sir Pear-ior Advice

Dear Spartan Scroll,


This weekend was awesome! Me and the gang got together and had a big buffet of turkey, stuffing, and potatoes. Black Friday was cool too. On Sunday night we all gathered around to do our homework but decided not to since we got this cool new game. I just got a test back in English and it said I got a 75! How could I have possibly gotten a 75?!


The Blue White Gang


Dear Blue White Gang,

Personally, I think you all should have maybe done your homework on the day we had off and not done it Sunday night. Even though, technically speaking, you didn’t do it Sunday night either. Now I may be a hypocrite but you really need to make sure to do homework. It counts for a lot of your grade! That test in English too, you could probably do all your homework and study for the next one to maybe get a better grade on it. Hope you try working and not eating, but do eat. Just not too much please.


-Sir Pear-ior Advice